ACF Fall

Last updated: September 26, 2023

ACF Fall is the premier easy tournament in college quizbowl. Designed as an introduction to college quizbowl for novices and players with limited high school quizbowl experience, over 200 teams compete on ACF Fall each year, making it the most widely-played set in the college calendar.

Table of Contents

2023 ACF Fall

2023 ACF Fall will be held on October 14, 2023.


2023 ACF Fall is head-edited by Sean Farrell. The subject breakdown by editor is:

Editor Subjects
Eric Chang Visual Fine Arts, Other Fine Arts
Jeffrey Fung Chemistry, European Literature
Shourjo Ganguli American, British, and World Literature
Alexandra Hardwick European History
Kevin Jiang Other Science, Social Science, Current Events
Evan Knox American History, Pop Culture
Lalit Maharjan Other History
Richard Niu Auditory Fine Arts
Quynh Phung World History, Religion, Philosophy
Munir Siddiqui Biology, Mythology, Geography


This tournament will follow ACF’s official gameplay rules. Rules specifically pertaining to online tournaments are in blue.


Fill out the central 2023 ACF Fall registration form with all relevant information here. The field for each site can be found here. Confirmed tournament sites are also listed below under Hosting.

If possible, teams should register for the site that is geographically closest to them and/or is in the region they would normally attend. After the field cap for their site is reached, teams will be placed on a waitlist or potentially assigned to another site. Please register by October 9th, 2023.


Team entry fee or discount  
Base fee per team $120
New to quizbowl discount −$80
Shorthanded discount (1–2 players) −$60
Staffers −$25 per staffer with functional laptop. Staffers must register with ACF in advance.

The minimum fee is $0 per team.

The “new to quizbowl” discount is for schools that did not send a team to any regular collegiate academic tournament (not counting exclusively novice tournaments) since September 2022, and which have no players who competed in non-novice collegiate tournaments during that same period.

Host sites will bill teams as soon as possible after the teams register. Teams should pay their host sites by whatever method is convenient for the hosts, who will in turn pay ACF by check, cash, or PayPal.

See below for packet submission discounts.

Packet submission

As for the past few editions of ACF Fall, no teams are required to submit questions in order to play the tournament. However, ACF still needs high-quality half-packet submissions from teams to complete the set.

If a team wishes to outsource part of its packet to a player not expected to play on that team (e.g., a student who has graduated), it must first receive approval from the head editors. Non-playing students are welcome and encouraged to help their newer club members write, especially for Fall, but it’s useful to know the contributors for both credit and logistical reasons.

Below is the submission schedule for ACF Fall. All deadlines are at 11:59 p.m. PT. In addition to these, all submitting teams are eligible for an additional −$20 quality discount if their questions are particularly polished and usable, up to a maximum discount of −$60. Each team may submit a maximum of one half-packet.

Submission deadline Packet discount
August 20, 2023 −$50
August 27, 2023 −$40
September 3, 2023 −$30
September 10, 2023 −$20
September 17, 2023 −$10

If you would like to submit a half-packet, fill out this form. ACF will respond with a half-packet template specifying which categories you are assigned to write.

Each submission consists of 12 tossups and 12 bonuses. Before writing, please review ACF’s packet submission guidelines and stick to the format provided. Answers should generally emphasize playability over creativity; aim for creative and interesting clues with straightforward answer lines. These 5 model tossups from the 2020 edition of ACF Fall reflect the difficulty and style to aim for. When finished, submit your half-packet by emailing it to

Your assigned half-packet may ask for questions from more specific categories within the distribution. For instance, instead of being assigned an “American Literature” tossup, you might be asked to write a question on a 20th-century American poem, or an Economics bonus instead of “Social Science/Philosophy.” This should reduce redundancy in submissions and maximize the number of submitted questions we can use, without being too constraining. The submission form offers space to indicate your writing interests in each category, which we will do our best to accommodate.


ACF Fall uses the standard ACF distribution.


To make this tournament more accessible to new teams and players, ACF is enforcing eligibility guidelines for ACF Fall. Players are not eligible to compete at 2023 ACF Fall if, at any point, they met any of the following exclusion criteria:

  • Scored more than 50 PPG in the prelims of a college mirror of ACF Fall
  • Were the top scorer (highest overall PPG) on a team that finished in the top 15% of the field, rounded up, at ACF Fall
  • Scored more than 40 PP20TUH in the prelims of HSNCT or 60 PPG in the prelims of PACE NSC
  • Were the top scorer (highest overall PPG) on a team that finished in the top 30 at HSNCT or top 10 at PACE NSC
  • Finished in the top 12 in IPNCT
  • Scored more than 20 PPG in the prelims of ACF Nationals

The eligibility restrictions do not apply to high-school-only mirrors.

Players are responsible for determining their own eligibility. If you have questions, email Failure to abide by these eligibility guidelines may result in disqualification from ACF Fall and/or future ACF tournaments.


If you are interested in hosting a mirror of ACF Fall, fill out this form by Friday, August 18th. If you have any questions about hosting, email ACF’s Site Coordinator at Hosts must abide by ACF’s Hosting Guidelines.


Mirrors will by default be regional. ACF reserves the right to move teams and staffers between sites. ACF intends to mirror 2023 ACF Fall in the following regions:

Region Site
Northeast Yale
Upstate New York Cornell
Upper Mid-Atlantic Rutgers
Lower Mid-Atlantic UNC Chapel Hill
Southeast Georgia
Florida Florida
Great Lakes Ohio State
Midwest UIUC
North Minnesota
South Central Oklahoma
Northwest Washington
Northern California Berkeley
Southern California Claremont Colleges
Eastern Canada Ottawa
United Kingdom Cambridge
Overflow/Online Iowa
High-school-only, online Nationwide, California

High school teams and high-school-only mirrors

ACF is willing to provide the ACF Fall set for high-school-only tournaments. If you are interested in hosting a high-school-only mirror of 2023 ACF Fall, email and CC However, we do not plan to offer mixed mirrors that include high school and college teams.

If you have any questions, email

Past tournaments

Sample questions from previous iterations of ACF Fall are on the Collegiate Quizbowl Packet Archive.

Announcements and information about previous iterations of ACF Fall are archived below: